Did you know that all existing translations of the Bible are based on deeply flawed translations that depart dramatically from the original Hebrew texts? These translation errors can be traced back to the earliest translations (the Greek Septuagint and Latin Vulgate) which provided the foundations for later translations into German, English and many other languages. Grave and disturbing errors and assumptions placed into the earliest classical and medieval translations have remained in place to this day.
The Berasit organization is dedicated to providing a new Bible translation that is uniquely respectful of the original Hebrew texts, utilizing thorough lexical analysis unfettered by orthodox theological and doctrinal constraints. Strictly speaking, this is not a “Christian” Bible. It stands at odds with many assumptions and supposed ideals inherent in Christianity.
The original Hebrew authors had an amazing story to tell. Sadly, their story has been buried in layers of obfuscation, moralization, and dogma.
This is going to be an incredible adventure, and we hope that you will come along for the ride. Subscribe to our free newsletter for updates on our progress – https://berasit.substack.com/