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alehim_aherim [2024/12/17 14:27] kenalehim_aherim [2024/12/17 14:32] (current) ken
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 To understand the true meaning of the phrase "alehim aherim" we must examine the meaning of each word. [[Alehim]] does not mean "gods" per se. [[Aherim]] does not appear to mean "other" either. To understand the true meaning of the phrase "alehim aherim" we must examine the meaning of each word. [[Alehim]] does not mean "gods" per se. [[Aherim]] does not appear to mean "other" either.
-Although both of these words are still under scrutiny, based on our understanding thus far, a probable interpretation might be something to the effect of "the Tree People, Next People".+Although both of these words are still under scrutiny, based on our understanding thus far, a probable interpretation might be something to the effect of "the Tree People, the Next Ones"
 +What precisely is implied by this? It seems to reference a "changing of the guards" or "passing of authority" or perhaps a "dynastic shift", and that somehow at least one of the parties involved is characterized with tree symbolism. This is explored further under [[trees]].
alehim_aherim.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/17 14:32 by ken

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