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alehim_aherim [2024/12/17 14:16] – created kenalehim_aherim [2024/12/17 14:32] (current) ken
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 =====alehim aherim===== =====alehim aherim=====
 +Alehim aherim is a phrase that occurs a few times in strategic places within the ancient Hebrew texts. It appears within  “the ten commandments” in Exodus 20:3, typically translated as "//You shall have no **other gods** before me.//"
-The Hebrew words are clear hereit is Ihoh speakingIhoh says that Terah, Abraham and Nahor lived in Sumeria and worshipped ”alehim aherim“ (ostensibly meaning “other gods”)Alehim aherim is the exact same phrase used in “the ten commandments” in Exodus 20:4, typically translated as ”You shall have no other gods before me.+Strangely though, in Joshua 24:2, Joshua speaks to the people of Israel and recounts God's words about their ancestors who apparently did worship other godsTypically Joshua's speech is translated as "Thus says the Lordthe God of Israel: Long ago, your ancestors, Terah and his sons Abraham and Nahorlived beyond the Euphrates River and served other gods." The inclusion of Abraham in this list is particularly puzzling. Given that Ihoh made a pact with Abraham, why is he here remembered for worshipping other gods? Is it possible we have made an error in interpretation? 
 +To understand the true meaning of the phrase "alehim aherim" we must examine the meaning of each word. [[Alehim]] does not mean "gods" per se. [[Aherim]] does not appear to mean "other" either. 
 +Although both of these words are still under scrutiny, based on our understanding thus far, a probable interpretation might be something to the effect of "the Tree People, the Next Ones"
 +What precisely is implied by this? It seems to reference a "changing of the guards" or "passing of authority" or perhaps a "dynastic shift", and that somehow at least one of the parties involved is characterized with tree symbolism. This is explored further under [[trees]]. 
alehim_aherim.1734470196.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/17 14:16 by ken

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