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arex [2024/08/29 14:55] – [Running] kenarex [2024/12/16 17:46] (current) – [Sub-Territories] ken
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 A territorial rather than global interpretation significantly affects the narrative of Genesis 6-8, bringing it into in a much more scientifically plausible localized flood that aligns with other contemporary accounts from the region.((Ken Goudsward, //the Atrahasis Epic: “Enuma ilu awilum”: the time of men - A new paraphrase and commentary - A Sumerian tale of irrigation, floods, and the creation of man//, 2023)) A territorial rather than global interpretation significantly affects the narrative of Genesis 6-8, bringing it into in a much more scientifically plausible localized flood that aligns with other contemporary accounts from the region.((Ken Goudsward, //the Atrahasis Epic: “Enuma ilu awilum”: the time of men - A new paraphrase and commentary - A Sumerian tale of irrigation, floods, and the creation of man//, 2023))
-Likewise in Genesis 10:5, 10, 11, 20 & 31 the context is so clearly a territorial one that all translations render it as "nation" rather than "earth". From here, the typical translations tend to lack any [[consistency]], waffling back and forth between global and local interpretations.+Likewise in Genesis 10:5, 10, 11, 20 & 31 the context is so clearly a territorial one that all translations render it as "nation" rather than "earth"Moreso in Exodus 9:26, the context is abundantly clear that only a fairly small geographic area is meant.  
 +From here, the typical translations tend to lack any [[consistency]], waffling back and forth between global and local interpretations.
 FIXME pull in [[Semim#the Territory Of The Semim]] and [[Rasenim#Territory Of The First Ones]] sections. FIXME pull in [[Semim#the Territory Of The Semim]] and [[Rasenim#Territory Of The First Ones]] sections.
 ====Running==== ====Running====
-the run of the place +Intriguingly, the word 'arex' is built upon the root word [[rex]] which is a verb meaning "to run".
- +
-running the place+
-the runners (messengers)+Note that this does not imply that 'arex' literally means "running" but we can not ignore that there is some relation implied.
-"People were messengers. The last one was my great great uncle Francis. He was runner and used to relay a message about somebody dying and inviting people over for the potlatchHe used to run to Cheslatta - he would run to Cheslatta and back in one dayHe would run to Moricetown and halfway backthen he'd camp."((Peter Louie, Oral History of the Stalla'ten))+This might not actually be strange as it frost appears. When we think of ownership or authority over a physical area, we might say that we have "the run of the place"This is especially true if we are being entrusted by an owner to "run the place" in their absenceThis applies to places of business in generalbut even more so to places with mechanical components, like factories, or to the machinery itselfA boss might ask an employee to "run the machines".
-This claim seems hard to believe. From Stellait is minimum 60 km to Cheslatta, one way, so a round trip of 120 in day is quite impressive. It is approximately 200 km to Moricetownso this claim of running there and halfway back would mean 300 km trip without substantial rest stops. However, these claims are not outside the realm of possibilty. As a comparison, the world record distance for long distance running in 24 hours currently stands at 319.614 kilometres by Aleksandr Sorokin in 2022. For another comparator, in 2005 Dean Karnazes ran 560 km non-stop. It took him 80 hours and 44 minutes.+The implication here then is that the "territory" is more than simply raw landbut that perhaps there is some kind of system that requires oversight or even active participation to ensure that everything "runs smoothly". This evokes an image of an ecosystem built upon territoryrather than simply dead tract of dirt.
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arex.1724964943.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/29 14:55 (external edit)

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