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arex [2024/08/29 17:44] – external edit (Unknown date) [2024/12/16 17:46] (current) – [Sub-Territories] ken
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 A territorial rather than global interpretation significantly affects the narrative of Genesis 6-8, bringing it into in a much more scientifically plausible localized flood that aligns with other contemporary accounts from the region.((Ken Goudsward, //the Atrahasis Epic: “Enuma ilu awilum”: the time of men - A new paraphrase and commentary - A Sumerian tale of irrigation, floods, and the creation of man//, 2023)) A territorial rather than global interpretation significantly affects the narrative of Genesis 6-8, bringing it into in a much more scientifically plausible localized flood that aligns with other contemporary accounts from the region.((Ken Goudsward, //the Atrahasis Epic: “Enuma ilu awilum”: the time of men - A new paraphrase and commentary - A Sumerian tale of irrigation, floods, and the creation of man//, 2023))
-Likewise in Genesis 10:5, 10, 11, 20 & 31 the context is so clearly a territorial one that all translations render it as "nation" rather than "earth". From here, the typical translations tend to lack any [[consistency]], waffling back and forth between global and local interpretations.+Likewise in Genesis 10:5, 10, 11, 20 & 31 the context is so clearly a territorial one that all translations render it as "nation" rather than "earth"Moreso in Exodus 9:26, the context is abundantly clear that only a fairly small geographic area is meant.  
 +From here, the typical translations tend to lack any [[consistency]], waffling back and forth between global and local interpretations.
 FIXME pull in [[Semim#the Territory Of The Semim]] and [[Rasenim#Territory Of The First Ones]] sections. FIXME pull in [[Semim#the Territory Of The Semim]] and [[Rasenim#Territory Of The First Ones]] sections.
arex.1724975064.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/29 17:44 by

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