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berasit [2024/03/28 13:53] – [berasit] kenberasit [Unknown date] (current) – external edit (Unknown date)
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 בראשית בראשית
-The opening sentence of the Hebrew scriptures reads "The established division(berasit) divided([[bera]]) between The Elohim([[elohim]]) and The Shemim([[shemim]]) and Earth([[Aretz]])."+The opening sentence of the Hebrew scriptures reads "The established division(berasit) divided([[bera]]) between The Elohim([[alehim]]) and The Shemim([[semim]]) and Earth([[Arex]])."
 In this article, we examine the very first and very important opening word, 'berasit'. What does this ancient word mean?  In this article, we examine the very first and very important opening word, 'berasit'. What does this ancient word mean? 
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 A further nuance is gained by the placement of the word 'sit' as a suffix. When used as a suffix, 'sit' generally means "portion" A further nuance is gained by the placement of the word 'sit' as a suffix. When used as a suffix, 'sit' generally means "portion"
-For example [[shelisit]] (Strongnumber 7992) means "a third" as seen in +For example [[selisit]] (Strongnumber 7992) means "a third" as seen in 
 Job 42:14, 1 Kings 18:1, 2 Chronicles 23:5, Zechariah 6:3, Zechariah 13:8.  Job 42:14, 1 Kings 18:1, 2 Chronicles 23:5, Zechariah 6:3, Zechariah 13:8.
 Likewise [[misit]] (strongnumber 2549) meaning a fifth as seen in Genesis 47:24, 1 Kings 14:25, Nehemiah 6:5. Likewise [[misit]] (strongnumber 2549) meaning a fifth as seen in Genesis 47:24, 1 Kings 14:25, Nehemiah 6:5.
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 [[|Genesis 1:1]] not withstanding, berasit does not mean "in the beginning", despite the unanimous mistranslation by essentially every Bible translation since the Greco-Roman classical period. [[|Genesis 1:1]] not withstanding, berasit does not mean "in the beginning", despite the unanimous mistranslation by essentially every Bible translation since the Greco-Roman classical period.
-The phrase "in the beginning" is a temporal description. That is to say it is primarily concerned with time. In reality, barashit has very little to do with time, although it is tangentially related in some use-cases. I mention use-cases because the word berasit appears in several different types of scenarios. Only by examining each different scenario can we gain a full understanding of the nuanced meaning(s) of the word berasit.+The phrase "in the beginning" is a temporal description. That is to say it is primarily concerned with time. In reality, berasit has very little to do with time, although it is tangentially related in some use-cases. I mention use-cases because the word berasit appears in several different types of scenarios. Only by examining each different scenario can we gain a full understanding of the nuanced meaning(s) of the word berasit.
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 Thus we have both an action and an entity formed by that action. Keep this in mind as we examine the next fascinating facet of the usage of the word 'berasit'. Even within this framework of temporal implications it is already clear that the usual interpretation of 'berasit' in Genesis 1:1 as meaning "in the beginning" is highly misleading. Thus we have both an action and an entity formed by that action. Keep this in mind as we examine the next fascinating facet of the usage of the word 'berasit'. Even within this framework of temporal implications it is already clear that the usual interpretation of 'berasit' in Genesis 1:1 as meaning "in the beginning" is highly misleading.
-Before moving on, simply for the sake of thoroughness we must mention Job 40:19 which refers to "the Behemoth" establishing a division of trade routes into the mountains. This is an interesting case simply because the one performing the action of division. This will be examined further under the entry [[behemot]].+Before moving on, simply for the sake of thoroughness we must mention Job 40:19 which refers to "the Behemoth" establishing a division of trade routes into the mountains. This is an interesting case simply because the one performing the action of division. This will be examined further under the entry [[behemah]].
 ===Blessing=== ===Blessing===
berasit.1711655619.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/28 13:53 (external edit)

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