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berasit [2024/08/24 22:19] – [berasit] kenberasit [Unknown date] (current) – external edit (Unknown date)
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 [[|Genesis 1:1]] not withstanding, berasit does not mean "in the beginning", despite the unanimous mistranslation by essentially every Bible translation since the Greco-Roman classical period. [[|Genesis 1:1]] not withstanding, berasit does not mean "in the beginning", despite the unanimous mistranslation by essentially every Bible translation since the Greco-Roman classical period.
-The phrase "in the beginning" is a temporal description. That is to say it is primarily concerned with time. In reality, barashit has very little to do with time, although it is tangentially related in some use-cases. I mention use-cases because the word berasit appears in several different types of scenarios. Only by examining each different scenario can we gain a full understanding of the nuanced meaning(s) of the word berasit.+The phrase "in the beginning" is a temporal description. That is to say it is primarily concerned with time. In reality, berasit has very little to do with time, although it is tangentially related in some use-cases. I mention use-cases because the word berasit appears in several different types of scenarios. Only by examining each different scenario can we gain a full understanding of the nuanced meaning(s) of the word berasit.
berasit.1724559592.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/24 22:19 by ken

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