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iseral [2024/12/17 16:28] – [iseral] keniseral [2025/01/08 20:08] (current) – [iseral] ken
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 ישראל ישראל
-'Iseral' is the name of the nation of the [[heyeberi]] people. (see also [[goy]] to denote people not included in this definition)+'Iseral' is the name of the nation of the [[yeberi]] people. (see also [[goy]] to denote people not included in this definition)
-It appears to be the concatenation of [[iser]] + [[al]] or perhaps [[is]] + [[ra]] + [[al]]+It appears to be the concatenation of [[iser]] + [[al]]. Thus, a literal translation means something to the effect of "to the righteous" or "to good".  
 +Compare with [[izereyal]]
 ---- ----
 LexID 3478 LexID 3478
iseral.1734478106.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/17 16:28 by ken

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