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pelim [2024/11/24 22:34] kenpelim [2024/11/24 22:35] (current) ken
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 Another etymological interpretation is possible however. [[Pel]] may have connections to the casting of a magic spell. In this interpretation the Pelim can be understood as "The Spell Casters", or essentially "wizards". This idea is further supported by the narrative supplied in the Book of Enoch that credits the Pelim as mystical teachers of advanced technologies. Recalling Arthur C. Clarke's observation that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indispensable from magic." Another etymological interpretation is possible however. [[Pel]] may have connections to the casting of a magic spell. In this interpretation the Pelim can be understood as "The Spell Casters", or essentially "wizards". This idea is further supported by the narrative supplied in the Book of Enoch that credits the Pelim as mystical teachers of advanced technologies. Recalling Arthur C. Clarke's observation that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indispensable from magic."
-Several instances occur in the context of a battle with large body counts. The Fallen seems to be the correct interpretation here.+Several instances occur in the context of a battle with massive body counts in the thousands. The Fallen seems to be the correct interpretation here.
 However, this does not necessarily rule out that these fallen may have been the targets of a deadly magic spell or technology of some kind. However, this does not necessarily rule out that these fallen may have been the targets of a deadly magic spell or technology of some kind.
pelim.1732512882.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/24 22:34 by ken

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