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qedem [2023/10/16 19:01] kenqedem [2025/01/01 15:30] (current) ken
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 =====qedem===== =====qedem=====
-'Qedem' might mean 
-Or "ancient", (a.k.a. a remnant of a previous iteration of culture or technology.+'Qedem' appears to refer to an ancient civilization or the ruins thereof; a remnant of a previous iteration of culture or technology.
-see Genesis 13:14, Psalm 68:33+Genesis 13:14, Psalm 68:33
 +The [[qedim]] are the ancient people of that civilization. According to Nehemiah 12:24, the character [[isoy]](Jesuah) was descended from these people, as he is referred to as a "son of qedem".
 +This culture may have been centered somewhere east of the Levant, thus most traditional translations misinterpret "qedem" as "east", but there are several instances that are more accurately translated "before".
-LexID +Supposedly, [[mezereh]] also is used to indicate "east". 
 +It is unclear if there might be any etymological linkage between qedem and [[qedes]], since the presumed root 'qed' is unattested. 
 +LexID 6924-6935
qedem.1697504506.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/16 19:01 by ken

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