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senim [2024/12/15 13:02] kensenim [2024/12/15 13:04] (current) ken
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 שנימ שנימ
-Based on the root word [[sen]], the literal meaning of 'Senim' is "the Toothy Ones". However, this appears to be an idiom whose actual meaning is "years". This is interesting since the closely related word, [[seneh]] does appear to mean a time period, possibly a year. Therefore it seems likely that 'senim' may be a misspelling and shortening of [[senehim]]. +Based on the root word [[sen]], the literal meaning of 'Senim' is "teeth" or "the Toothy Ones". However, this appears to be an idiom whose actual meaning is "years". This is interesting since the closely related word, [[seneh]] does appear to mean a time period, possibly a year. Therefore it seems likely that 'senim' may be a misspelling and shortening of [[senehim]]. 
 'senim' should not be confused (but often is)((Notably in Genesis 6 and 7)) with [[seni]] (meaning "two") 'senim' should not be confused (but often is)((Notably in Genesis 6 and 7)) with [[seni]] (meaning "two")
senim.1734292957.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/15 13:02 by ken

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