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xedeq [2024/10/10 18:42] kenxedeq [2024/12/19 16:37] (current) ken
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 צדק צדק
-Closely related to [[teher]], 'xedeq' applies "purity" to human lineage. Traditionally, this is normally understood to refer to behavioral "righteousness", but the contextual evidence suggests that a more biological or physiological interpretation may be justified.+Conceptually closely related to [[feher]] and [[tem]], 'xedeq' applies "purity" to human lineage. Traditionally, this is normally understood to refer to behavioral "righteousness", but the contextual evidence suggests that a more biological or physiological interpretation may be justified.
 FIXME this will be explored in greater detail. (see Genesis 7) FIXME this will be explored in greater detail. (see Genesis 7)
-this is a good example of [[ghost vowel]] 'i' and 'o'+this is a good example of [[ghost vowels]] 'i' and 'o'
 ---- ----
 LexID 6659 - 6666 LexID 6659 - 6666
xedeq.1728607353.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/10 18:42 (external edit)

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