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yeneqim [2024/04/07 00:25] – created kenyeneqim [2024/11/24 22:59] (current) ken
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 ענקימ ענקימ
-Pending LexID...+The 'yeneqim' are group of people whose name is based upon the root word [[yeneq]]Unfortunately, the root word appears only as the name of a character, and gives no indication of what it might mean
-for now see [[wp>Anakim]]+All we can really infer about the 'yeneqim' is what the texts explicitly say about them. 
 +  *Deuteronomy 1:28 tells us that they had large cities with great fortifications, and relates them to "The Ascendant Ones" ([[yelim]]) and "The Legendary Ones" ([[semim]]) 
 +  *Deuteronomy 2 says they were great and numerous and tall, before [[Yahweh]] dispossessed them and took their territory. 
 +  *Joshua 11:21 describes how Joshua enacted a systematic genocide against their remnant that was scattered in the hills, leaving only a few survivors in Gaza.
-see also [[repaim]]+Although they are mentioned as being tall, they were apparently not that difficult of a foe for Joshua, so it is probably a stretch to think of them as [[giants]]. 
 +This page is part of a series - see [[im]] backlinks for a dynamic list 
 +LexID 96062
yeneqim.1712471147.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/07 00:25 (external edit)

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