based on the root word iom, the 'iomim' are literally “the Cyclic Ones”.
This might be an alternate name for the rashenim and/or the seheqim
“ask now Cycling Ones, the First Ones who are on edge from the cycle who divided the Elohim human on territory extents The Semim until extents The Semim have spoken big this or communicated likewise”.1) The “Cycling Ones”(iomim) might be synonymous with the so-called “Mocking Ones”(seheqim), although little other information is given at this point about their characteristics.
There may also be a parallel to the constellations of the zodiac, evidenced in Job 22:14 which speaks of “walking in the circuit of The Semim” and Psalm 103:11 which states that “the Semim are high above the earth.” Could this mean that the zodiacal tradition and characters are based upon ancient legends of the Semim? Was there a group of Semim who came to earth despite the mocking by other Semim who did not? Were the mockers stating that it was Earth that was useless and better off left alone? Were the zodiacal signs chosen at this time to somehow leave traces of this story? Psalm 104:2 seems to refer to exactly such an event when it speaks of “stretching out the Semim like a tapestry.
LexID 93117