

Based on the root word nehes, the 'nehesim' are “the Copper Ones” or “the Copper People”.

This could conceivably indicate a group of people who were known as copper merchants, or copper craftsmen or a perhaps a group of people who were characterized by copper-colored skin. A more imaginative interpretation may even allow for some kind of robot fashioned from copper.

Some authors have embraced an alternate interpretation of 'nehesim' as “the Shining Ones”. Other than the fact that copper (like most metals) is somewhat shiny, there is no etymological basis for this interpretation.

Nehesim appears only twice in the texts.

A literal translation of Numbers 21:6 yields - “sent Ihoh person the Copper Crafters grill masters tax the person death person many Israel

Jeremiah 8:17 - “because favor sent Copper Crafters Nightmare People happy nobody enchant tax the spoke Ihoh

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