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The 'yeneqim' are group of people whose name is based upon the root word yeneq. Unfortunately, the root word is never used within the ancient Hebrew corpus, so we have no way of determining what it might mean. All we can really infer about the 'yeneqim' is what the texts explicitly say about them.
- Deuteronomy 1:28 tells us that they had large cities with great fortifications, and relates them to “The Ascendant Ones” and “The Legendary Ones” (semim)
- Deuteronomy 2 says they were great and numerous and tall, before Yahweh dispossessed them and took their territory.
- Joshua 11:21 describes how Joshua enacted a systematic genocide against their remnant that was scattered in the hills, leaving only a few survivors in Gaza.
Although they are mentioned as being tall, they were apparently not that difficult of a foe for Joshua, so it is probably a stretch to think of them as giants.
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LexID 96062
yeneqim.1714018658.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/24 22:17 by ken