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'yex' (pronounced 'yetz') appears to have two meanings.

Most of the time1), 'yex' is translated as “tree”. Although there are several other Hebrew words that are used for trees, the famous “tree of life” and “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” are both indicated as being 'yex'.

A secondary usage based on this meaning is to indicate “wood”, ie, a corpse of a tree, typically used as fuel or a building or crafting material. Based on contextual evidence, this appears to be the intended meaning in approximately a third of the word's instances.

(See also aleh).

However, 'yex' is often interpreted differently, as either a noun meaning “counsel” or a verb form meaning “to consult”2). Obviously, these meanings are closely related but there may be some discrepancies regarding the directionality of information flow. FIXME are there?

It is possible that the verb meaning “consult” may stem from the act of consulting the tree of knowledge.

LexID 6086, 6098, 3289

263 instances, over 60% of all instances
these instances are typically assigned the Strongnumber 3289
yex.1732651873.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/26 13:11 (external edit)

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