You have probably already noticed that the Berasit Bible is substantially different than most other Bible translations. Our translations are based 100% on new lexical analysis and context-based semantics, to guarantee the most accurate translation possible.
In many ways, this translation will parallel the works of many modern scholars who are independently reaching the conclusion that the current Bible translations are grossly inadequate and highly misleading. We look with high regard on groundbreakers like Ellen Van Wolde and Patrick Cooke and leaders such as Mauro Biglino, Paul Wallis, Reverend Michael J.S. Carter, Ariel Bar Tzadok, Ralph Ellis, and Jonathon Perrin as well as many others who are unabashedly questioning the orthodox narrative. We hope that the Berasit Bible will become a tool worthy of their further investigation, and one that will find a place in your own personal study tool kit.
In some ways though, the Berasit Bible pushes even further beyond the fine work of these scholars. Our uniquely emergent data-driven model and modern analytical algorithms allow us to join the dots between the points of this highly complex dataset that is the Hebrew lexicon in ways that are simply not possible with manual analytical methods alone.
In the interest of complete transparency, we want to disclose our process with you. Granted, it is somewhat technical and complex, but this page will attempt to lay out the process.
(Please bear with us… We are going to need a bit of time to get this part of the site ready)
…in the meantime, please subscribe to our free newsletter to make sure you stay in the loop. Or start exploring our Online Ancient Hebrew Dictionary and Online Interactive Berasit Bible Translation