

'aipeh' means “measure”

Traditionally this Hebrew word has been translated as two very different meanings: “basket”1) and “where”.2) There is no good reason for having split the word into two separate interpretations, as the true meaning of the word is more akin to “measure”, and fits contextually into both of the two ostensible use-cases.

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In essence, there is no discrepancy. The cases typically translated “where” fall into two further subcategories: measures of distance, and more general concepts of “judging”. In other words, they are both a specific type of “measure”.

Zechariah 5:6-10 uses the word metaphorically, describing a “flying basket” or a lead disc with a woman inside it; apparently some type of UFO. This instance is discussed in more detail under the name merekeb. In this case, the literal meaning of “measure” is that of the weight value or volume of the basket, rather than the basket itself, similar to how “a cup” holds “a cup” of flour.

LexID 374, 375

under Strong number 374
under Strong number 375