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'adem' is typically mispelled Adam. The word is used in a perplexing variety of ways with a variety of interpretations, but it is highly likely that these meanings can be reduced to a single root meaning and a couple of fairly obvious metaphors.

The Strong's concordance lists no less than 14 different Strongnumbers for the word, with only three minor spelling variations. Essentially, 1 word is miraculously transformed into 14 words with no etymological evidence. see strong_errors

Contextual clues do seem to indicate a small number of interpretations ranging from “red”, to “meat”, to “dirt”.

It is highly probable that these apparently different meanings actually stem from a single generalized meaning. The phrase “red meat” might adequately represent the contextual intent of all 936 instances of the word.

FIXME - 120 adem 121 adem 122 adem red 123 adem meat 124 adem red gemstone 125 ademdem red 126 ademeh 127 ademeh dirt flesh? 128 ademeh 129 adami 130 ademi Edomite 131 ademim Josh 15:7 Josh 18:17 132 ademeni red 133 ademeta

'adom' appears to be some kind of variant of 'adem'. It is used only as a nickname for yeso (Esau). It might mean something to the effect of “red man” or might be some kind of pun. Genesis 25 and 27 appear to make extensive use of punning in two stories about this character.

LexID - its complicated

adem.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/25 22:05 by ken

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