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'ais' is pronounced “ish” and appears to mean “person”.

There are some interesting points regarding the spelling and semantics around this.

Typically, translations have convoluted 'ais' with anes, despite the obvious spelling differences between these two separate words.

FIXME The codex requires a spelling split from 582 to 376

Additional words also appear to mean person:

Transliteration Strongnumber Instances Ostensible Meaning
ais 3761839 man
aseh 802 657woman
anes 582 133 man
adem 120 ~700 man

Strong number 802 is problematic in that it can not be easily reduced to a root word. Variant spellings include 'as', 'aseh', 'aset', 'nes'(possibly convoluted with 582)

There is some evidence of gender differentiation between the words, however, the ostensible meanings appear to be convoluted with little regard for spelling and original word choice, casting significant doubt onto the traditional gender interpretations.

An exhaustive spelling analysis, LexID validation/reassignment, and contextual workup will be required.

LexID 376

ais.1717468807.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/03 20:40 (external edit)

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