The word 'kebed' is often referred to by Biblical scholars and goes under a variety of spellings and pronunciations including “chavod”, “kabod” and others.
It is almost unamimously claimed by theologians to refer to “the glory of God”
The contextual use is not so cut and dry however. There is a long history of an alternative interpretation backed by significant textual evidence. The 'kebed' might actually be better understood as a vehicle of some kind. The 'kebed' is mentioned in Ezekiel 1, being driven or ridden in by Jehovah. Likewise, similar descriptions appear numerous times throughout the Psalms.
This fact was well known in ancient Judaism and was in fact the premise of a longstanding and highly reputable sect of Judaism which later came to be known by the term “Merkabah Mysticism”.1) These devout Jewish scholars thought of the 'kebed' as “a chariot” that could fly, and was typically pictured as a set of two interlocking spinning tetrahedrons. This is the origin of the symbol known today as the “star of David”, which adorns the flag of the modern state of Israel.
It is quite likely that 'kebed' is actually just another form of the word merekeb, or that perhaps both words are merely alternate forms of a root word keb.
In a more general sense, 'kebed' is used as an adjective to indicate “abundance”.
In a few cases it appears to refer to “the liver”.2) This might be due to the roughly chariot-shape of the organ.