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The Qeresim are a mysterious group of entities. They are referred to only four times, and are always found in the Tabernacle.

The traditional interpretation is that these are nothing more than fancy curtain hooks, typically translated as “clasps”.

FIXME finish translating these verses

exodus26:6 - worked _ (jargon) gold _ the _ _ to _ The (unclear) Ones we are _ one

exodus26:11 - worked (jargon) _ _ arrived The (unclear) Ones _ _ the _ we are one

exodus26:33 - give the (jargon) in the place The (unclear) Ones arrived legendary household (jargon) the _ _ divided (jargon) sons _ sons _ _

exodus36:13 - worked _ (jargon) gold _ the _ one to one The (unclear) Ones we are _ one

LexID 97165

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qeresim.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/22 23:25 by ken

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