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Genesis 1

This page is a BETA snapshot, to allow for slight paraphrasing, mostly for syntactic reasons. For the Interactive LIVE Bible, see

the Dividing

The established division(berasit) divided(bera) The Alehim and the semim on Earth(arex).

Earth had become(hytah) worthless(teho) junk(beho), a darkness(hosek) on the edge(pen) - The Useless Ones(tehoim).

The roeh Elohim orbited(rahaf) on the edge.

the Light of the Mayim

The Mayim(mayim) spoke(amar) to the Elohim “We are(hayah) light(avar) We are light!”

The Elohim watched and light caused(ki) improvement(towb)

but it divided(hibdil) The Elohim; sons of light, sons of darkness.

The Elohim studied(qera) light (in a) dark era; studying night, are we evening(ereb)?

Phase 1 - the Union of the Elohim and Mayim

We are dawning(boqer) the first era(yowm)! spoke The Elohim. We are structure(raqi) in the middle(towk) of The Mayim.

We are divided(hibdil) sons of The Mayim.

The Mayim worked(ashi) the Elohim and structure divided(hibdil) sons of the Mayim who were in the structured place(tahat).

The sons of the Mayim who were in structure therefore studied the Elohim structure.

The Shemim are evening!

Phase 2 - the Seeding of the Earth

We are dawning a second era! spoke The Elohim

The Mayim waited in the place for the Shemim to the place one watched the land(yibsheh)) we are therefore(ken))

The Elohim studied the land Earth hopefully.

The Mayim studied. The Mayim watched and the Elohim caused improvement.

The Elohim spoke ___(dasha) Earth: clover, herbs, sown descendants, fruit trees. The fruit worked accordingly who descendants on Earth we are therefore.

Proceeded on Earth clover, herbs, sown descendants, accordingly fruit trees worked whose descendants accordingly watched.

The Elohim watched causing improvement, we are evening.

Phase 3 - the Structure of the Stars

we are dawning the third(shelishit)) era! spoke The Elohim

we are lamps structure The Shemim

divided sons era sons night

we are sigil the date-keepers era-people The Annual Ones senehim we are lamps structure

The Shemim shining on Earth we are

therefore worked The Elohim and The Annual Ones lamps The Giants and lamps huge shining era and lamps young shining night and Star People give and

The Elohim structure The Shemim shining on Earth

shining era night divided sons light sons darkness

watched The Elohim caused improvement we are evening

Phase 4 - crawling and flying things

we are dawning a fourth era! spoke The Elohim

crawled The Mayim insects souls

living birds flying on Earth on edge structure

The Shemim divided The Elohim and monsters The Giants and all souls

living grazers who crawled The Mayim accordingly

and all birds wings accordingly

watched The Elohim caused improvements and The Elohim chose spoke produce flourish filled and The Mayim

The Mayim birds flourish Earth we are evening

Phase 5 - Men and Fish

we are morning era fifth, spoke The Elohim.

proceeded Earth souls living accordingly; beasts grazers living Earth accordingly.

we are therefore worked The Elohim and living Earth accordingly and beasts accordingly and all grazers humankind(adam) accordingly.

watched The Elohim because better spoke

The Elohim worked human shadows form descend fish ocean (yowf shemim) beasts all Earth all grazers grazers on Earth divided The Elohim and human shadows

Shadows The Elohim divided and male female divided and chosen/blessed/cursed and The Elohim spoke

The Elohim produce flourish filled and Earth peaceful descend fish ocean (yowf shemim) all living grazers on Earth spoke

The Elohim surely give and all herbs sown descendants who on edge all Earth and all trees who fruit trees sown descendants we are food all living Earth all (yowf shemim) all grazers on Earth who souls living and all vegetation herbs food we are therefore.

watched The Elohim and all who worked surely better very we are evening

Phase 6 -

we are morning era sixth.

finished The Shemim Earth all army

finished The Elohim era seventh work(melak) who worked halt era seventh all work who worked

The Elohim and era seventh chose dedicated and caused halt all work who divided

The Elohim worked these accounting The Shemim Earth divided era worked Yahweh The Elohim Earth The Shemim

Note - the chapters and verses in the Bible are not original breaks and often do not align with the natural breaks in the text. The first section of Genesis actually spans from Gen 1:1 to Gen 2:4

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genesis_1.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 20:13 (external edit)

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